Our Bureau of Meterology’s (BOM) prediction for spring was right. Predicting rainfall above median, we’ve had a period of sunny or cloudy days interspersed with showers and several storms. The BOM says this will continue through to January.
As I write, it feels as if something’s about to happen. A wind change, more showers or perhaps another storm? I think a barometer would be handy. My father had one and we could always tell from it when there was a change in atmospheric pressure. Something to investigate.
Yesterday, in between showers, I went outside to cut this, the first of my Poppy ‘Peony Double Cream’ to flower this year. I’d been watching the bud enlarge all week and it finally burst out yesterday. That a single flower could bring so much pleasure!
There are others to come. Meanwhile, gentle showers have started again. My garden gives thanks.