The flowers of lavenders are assets to any cottage style garden. The bees love them and they have a delicate perfume that wafts across the garden on warm days.
I have planted many lavenders in my various gardens over the years. Although that’s a fact, it doesn’t tell the whole story. The brutal truth doesn’t reflect well on my gardening prowess – I have killed every one of them.
Imagine, then, the thoughts that flitted through my mind when I won a potted lavender as a lucky door prize at a garden club meeting club last year. By accepting the plant, was I condemning it to an early death? Should I decline and allow someone else’s ticket to be drawn? I decided to be brave, accept the gift and find a place in my garden where it could be happy.
The lavender is called ‘Winter Lace’. I searched for information about it and read that it is compact and suits full sun or part shade. I planted it in a bed I thought would suit, gave it a deep drink and then left it alone.
Now I’m pleased to report it is not just alive but thriving. I’ve lightly trimmed it and, as a result, the plant has bushed out and has large flowers. Perhaps my curse on lavenders has ended? Or maybe I should wait longer before I make such a reckless statement?