I like blue flowers in my garden. I also like flowers that look after themselves. That’s why, last spring, I flung the contents of a packet of forget-me-not seeds in a bed in a dull corner of my garden.
At this stage, those of you who are familiar with the plant’s behaviour may be recoiling in horror. Yes, they are prolific plants and yes, I think every seed in the packet germinated. But they are oh-so pretty. Here they are, making themselves home among my late-flowering hellebores.
They are tough little plants and spread themselves easily throughout the garden. They flower reliably and make a good groundcovers. They are available in pink, white, and purple as well as blue, though I’ve not sown those colours yet.
I know some people see forget-me-nots as weeds because they spread so easily and can be invasive. The plants are easy to pull out of the ground, though. My advice is to do this before they go to seed, otherwise the you will end up with gloves covered with seeds that stick, like mine were last year. This photo shows the gloves after I had spent 15 minutes picking off seeds. I learned my lesson – timing is everything when pulling out unwanted forget-me-not plants!
Do you grow forget-me-nots? Or are you a gardener who regards them as weeds?