I could never successfully grow tulips until we moved to a cooler climate than Sydney’s. I followed all the tips about storing the bulbs in the fridge until planting but they never flowered. All I have to do here is plant them in the ground in May and they flourish.
I’m thankful for that since tulips are one of my favourite blooms. They are currently flowering and I’m already thinking about which ones I want to add next year. Bulbs should be available for mail order purchase from January. Already, I’m looking forward to researching!
But before I start imagining what I’ll plant next year, here are some photos of the mass plantings in Corbett Gardens, Bowral. The Tulip Time festival was cancelled for the second year due to current circumstances but local residents only are able to visit. They say there will be an online viewing of the garden but I can’t see that it’s available yet.
The theme for this year’s planting is to celebrate 60 years of the festival. There were over 75,000 bulbs planted!
Hopefully, people will be able to travel again next year to visit the festival. It’s a beauty!