Stories sustain us. They allow us to encounter times and worlds we will never see for ourselves and experience the lives of other people. They can provide information and solace. They can take us away from our own lives and widen our perspectives.
Stories can make us cry and laugh. They can provide relief from our day-to-day routines and help us explore our emotions. I guess that’s one of the reasons I read so much. Not because I want to escape but because I am interested in people’s stories and the impact they can have.
Which brings me to blogging.
I’ve been writing on my blog for 15 years, sharing stories that I hope have been of interest. Although my posts were more regular before social media came along, I’ve continued to blog.
Words are my things, my tools and my first love. Social media sites such as Instagram and Facebook have their own reasons for existing but I can’t control what they do with my posts there. I gave up Pinterest years ago and prefer to collect screen shots and links in a private digital notebook – my inspiration book.
Other people are realising this, too, and resuscitating their blogs.
Kate at Foxs Lane has a shiny new blog after closing her previous one a couple of years ago.
Anne at My Giant Strawberry explains why she quit Instagram and loves blogging.
Pam at I am Pam Holland describes why she needs space to share.
Zoe at Zoe Lea asks whether blogging is worth it for writers.
Blogs are all about stories.
It’s simple: stories are shared on blogs. They can be mostly words or mostly photos or a mixture. It doesn’t matter. What’s important is the connection they make with readers.
Related thought: I’ve been toying with the idea of setting up an email newsletter. Do you think you might be interested in receiving this? What would you want it to contain?
Here are some stories I’ve read this week. I hope you find something of interest here!
10 years of the Stella: how Australia’s women’s writing prize changed a nation’s literature
Hotspot in a cold climate: the Melbourne library that transformed lockdown for struggling families
Volume control: how creating my library brought order in a world of chaos
Facebook pages fall quiet as administrators fear legal action over defamatory comments
What is dust? And where does it all come from?
Climate change is changing the gardening game
Lemons over the fence: how to go urban foraging safely, respectfully and cleverly
Gardeners, walkers and citizen scientists join nature data quest
Hard graft: backyard gardener claims world record for tree bearing 10 different fruits
Have you read any interesting stories lately? Please share by leaving a comment!